Minot, North Dakota, known as the "Magic City," is a vibrant city in the northwestern part of the state. Founded in the late 19th century, Minot was named after the prominent railroad attorney Henry D. Minot. It serves as the county seat of Ward County and is one of the largest cities in North Dakota. Minot boasts a strong economy, fueled by its proximity to the Bakken oil fields, agriculture, and healthcare sectors. The city is home to Minot Air Force Base, which plays a crucial role in its economic stability and community culture. The city features a variety of attractions, such as the Roosevelt Park Zoo, the Scandinavian Heritage Park, and the Minot State University, which contributes to the educational landscape of the area. Minot experiences a humid continental climate, with cold winters and warm summers, making outdoor activities popular throughout the year. The city also hosts annual events like the North Dakota State Fair, attracting visitors from across the region. With its unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and community spirit, Minot offers a welcoming atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.