Coral Gables, known as "The City Beautiful," is an upscale community located in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Established in the 1920s, it boasts a Mediterranean revival architectural style, lush landscaping, and a well-planned urban design. The city is famous for its beautiful streets lined with oak trees, vibrant shopping areas, and historic landmarks such as the Venetian Pool and the Biltmore Hotel. With a strong emphasis on culture and the arts, Coral Gables hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year, including the Coral Gables Art Cinema and the Gables’ Farmers Market. The city is home to the University of Miami, adding a dynamic academic atmosphere and diverse population. Coral Gables offers a variety of fine dining options, international cuisine, and boutique shopping, particularly along Miracle Mile and Giralda Plaza. Residents enjoy a suburban feel with access to both urban amenities and scenic parks. Its strategic location allows for easy access to downtown Miami and the beautiful beaches of South Florida, making it a desirable place to live, work, and visit.